Screen Actor's Live Performance Series - this Wed-Sat

Screen Actor's Live Performance Series - this Wed-Sat

by Hannah Deans -
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Screen Actor's Live Performance Series
When: Wed 27th, Thur 28th, Fri 1st & Sat 2nd, 19:00
Where: Co-Mingle, dBs Berlin 
What: The screen acting students are stepping off the set and onto the stage to perform 2 political plays over 4 nights in Co-Mingle here at dBs Berlin. The women and the men have been separated to explore femininity and masculinity without sex or sensuality. The Pillowman by Martin McDonagh will be performed by the men on Wednesday and Thursday and Top Girls will be performed by the women on Friday and Saturday. Come and watch these bright young stars take on the challenge of holding space and performing in real-time as they take you on journeys to fractured pasts and dystopic futures. 

Wed 27th & Thurs 28 February
Co-Mingle, dBsBerlin
The Pillowman by Martin McDonagh is a play set largely in an interrogation room in an unnamed totalitarian state which follows the interrogation of a writer and his brother by two fairly unorthodox police officers. As far as comedies go they don't get much more twisted than this, with severed toes, brutally murdered children and live burial just to name a few of the images this grimmer than Grimm story conjures up in the minds of the viewer. Come and watch the all male cast of 7 who make up half of the Screen Acting course as they put on a show that will make you laugh, gasp, grimace and say "wow" potentially all at the same time.  

Friday March 1st 
Co-Mingle, dBsBerlin
Top Girls Act 1 by Carol Churchill is a fictional dinner party attended by a range of historical women all successful or extraordinary for their own time, hosted by the recently promoted London business woman, Marlene. A Victorian traveller, an Emperor's concubine, the only ever female Pope, a figure from a Bruegel painting who lead an army of women to pillage Hell, and a peasant girl who gave up her children out of duty to her prince, find common ground for being exceptional women in the world of men. Get ready to be entertained by this all female cast of 7 who make up half of the Screen Acting Course

Saturday March 2nd 
Co-Mingle, dBsBerlin
Top Girls Act 2 by Carol Churchill follows the story of Marlene, a high powered executive who controversially gets promoted over a man in 1980's London. Being an ambitious 'ball breaker' has repercussions and Marlene's past comes back to haunt her. A year earlier Marlene reluctantly visits her sister dealing with a past that she would rather forget and a daughter who is not what she seems. This play is a subversion of the classic rags to riches tale, dealing with class, abandonment, and sibling relationships from a powerful feminist perspective. Prepare yourself for some drama created by this all female cast of 7.