What is live music? Guest Session with Bob Ostertag

What is live music? Guest Session with Bob Ostertag

by Hannah Deans -
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What is live music?
Our next guest, experimental sound artist and author Bob Ostertag, does not like simple answers – but then again, he's not a simple man. Currently based in San Francisco, Bob's work as a composer, performer, historian, instrument builder, journalist, activist and kayak instructor cannot easily be pigeonholed. Join him at this public lecture to explore a question as nuanced as he is.

When: Thursday, 16th May, 18:30
Where: dBs Berlin, Funkhaus, Nalepastrasse 18
RSVP: www.facebook.com/events/430112900867090

// About Bob Ostertag
Since the '70s, Bob has been pushing the electronic music envelope with sampling, tape manipulation, improvisation and custom-made instruments. More than 20 CDs, two DVDs, five books and many more writings make for an impressive portfolio. His writings on contemporary politics have been published on every continent and in many languages. Bob has performed at music, film, and multi-media festivals around the globe. His radically diverse collaborators include the Kronos Quartet, postmodernist John Zorn, heavy metal star Mike Patton, transgender cabaret start Justin Bond, British guitar innovator Fred Frith, Quebecois film maker Pierre Hébert, EDM star Rrose , and many others. He is currently a professor in the faculty of Technocultural Studies at the University of California at Davis.

After he joins our Masters students for a private lecture, we present his public talk with Bob. Hosted by electroacoustic composer and performer, and Programme Lead for our MA in Creative Production, Richard Scott.