Semester A Results

Semester A Results

by Alex McHattie -
Number of replies: 0

Hi all,

Your provisional Semester A results and feedback should now be visible on Moodle. 

As always they're considered provisional until signed off by the MARJON Exam Board at the end of February. Until then, there maybe some changes.

You should be able to access your grades and feedback by clicking the little arrow next to your name top right of the Moodle homepage, then Grades.

As I'm sure you know a pass mark is 40 or above.

I've failed a module what now?
For the majority of you you'll be offered a resit, although this depends on your overall results for the year including Semester B. You need to pass 50% of the years credits to be granted resits for failed modules. You'll receive further information regarding resits later in the year, after Semester B's exam board, should you have failed or not submitted a module.