Online Guest Session with Hainbach

Online Guest Session with Hainbach

by Ariane Mason -
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Join us for our first ever Online Guest Session with electro-acoustic music composer Hainbach, hosted by our very own Eliad Wagner

Date: Wednesday 27 May

Time: 18:30 - 20:30

Based out of Berlin, Germany, electro-acoustic music composer and performer Hainbach (Opal Tapes, Seil Records) creates shifting audio landscapes THE WIRE called "One hell of a trip". Using esoteric synthesizers, test equipment, magnetic tape and idiophones his music is both abstract yet very much a corporal experience. He has become known for his immersive live performances for and recently through his YouTube channel, where he brings experimental music techniques to a wider audience.

This event will be held online via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting here:

Meeting ID: 931 8437 2848

Password: 728235

Look forward to seeing you there!