Eufonia Festival: Paid Opportunity

Eufonia Festival: Paid Opportunity

by Sarah Bleasdale -
Number of replies: 0

Calling ALL students from Music, Film and Acting

We have a great opportunity to exhibit our work as a community at Eufonia Festival’s Sound Circuit. 

It is a Berlin city exhibition that will take place for one entire month throughout October 2020. This is a great chance to showcase your work as artists and creatives to the wider public! 

All artists will be compensated economically.

Eufonia Festival commits to divide the obtained funding for the execution of the Sound Circuits project into 50% for the artists involved. Catalyst will also be ready to support with associated project costs. 

We would like to form 5 project teams of at least 2 people to tackle the 5 themes that will be addressed in our location of the city, one topic per team: Memory, Freedom, Fear, Rhythm and Health. 

Teams will work together with mentor-ship from our Storytelling team and tutors to create the 5 pieces that will be exhibited in these public spaces. 

Some initial ideas could be:
Short film, video clip, filmed music piece inspired by the themes, digital art with soundscape, filmed choreography piece, edit of city images to bespoke music, piece to camera with spoken word etc etc! 

Alternatively if you already have a piece that you think would fit (e.g. a video clip or short film already produced), please apply with this. 

Rules of the game: 

- The work must be digitally accessed by the viewer's mobile device via a QR code. 

- The work must not have a beginning and an end - allowing its repetition without a specific showtime. 

- Please see attached PDF for details of the THEMES

- Send confirmation of intent to participation and an initial/draft idea to: / 


For more information and questions, contact: /