Infection Ordinance Update

Infection Ordinance Update

by Nathaniel Suter -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Everyone, 

In order to align to the National Infection Ordinance which was recently passed and is applicable from 24.04.2021 in Berlin we must make a few adjustments to our operating procedures. There are still questions as to how Berlin will implement the national regulations and so until there is further information from the Senate the following points apply. 

1. As there is a curfew from 22:00 - 05:00 each day, Catalyst will be closing at 21:00 in order to allow technicians to close and leave by 21:30. 

2. There is a limit on private meetings indoors and outdoors of max 2 persons. This means that all film productions must continue to operate under strict hygiene protocol, with documentation, negative tests, and a dedicated safe set certified crew member. At this time it's not clear how the Ordnungsamt and Police will respond to student films so it is important that you have all your paperwork in order. We encourage you to limit your film production crew numbers as much as possible. 

3. If the threshold of 165 infections / 100,000 is exceeded in Berlin, all on site classes must be cancelled and online alternatives will be offered. 

4. We will continue offering testing on site. For all external projects please use the free testing facilities which are offered to all Berlin residents for free. 

Please note that the BVG has indicated that they will continue to provide their regular service even during curfews. 

In case any changes are announced by the Berlin Senate in the next days the above may be adjusted once again. 

If you have specific questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me directly 

Stay safe.