Student Support: Live Events

Student Support: Live Events

by Aurelie Richards -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Catalyst Community,

You might have noticed already that there are recurring events on offer from Student Support. The feedback was loud and clear though, evenings after classes are better and please make it online. Heard. Done.

So every other Tuesday from 9-10pm there is a "Meditation Group" on offer to wind down after your long day of studies and creativity. This is informed by the two years I lived as a Zen Buddhist nun in the Plum Village tradition. If people come regularly, I'll make this every week, so come!  

Nov 3 from 9-10pm (midterm), I am offering "Somatics for Studies". This will be a combination of breathing exercises, Qi Gong, and self-massage, as I have training in Shiatsu and Chinese Medicine, as well.

These are open to students, faculty, and staff alike to nourish our community with some safe containers for good psychosomatic hygiene and self-care practice.

With love and gratitude,

Student Support