Experimental Live Session - 1

Experimental Live Session - 1

by Samaquias Lorta -
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Friday 20 October, 19:00 @ EMP Lab

/// The experimental live sessionsevening are back !!! While we wait for our new spaces downstairs the EMP Lab is ready to welcome you for our first event of the year. An evening dedicated to students wanting to perform live experimental music with a focus on non-danceable music. A moment to sit and listen to sonic exploration where we promote student work in the realm of experimental music (such as drone, ambient, sound art, noise, generative, etc).

Start 19h

⭐19:00 - Samaquias Lorta

⭐20:00 - They Move

Parallel Processing & Dune Sève

⭐21:00 - suBtrakt 22

IOI & Gabriel Venegas

if you wish to perform at one our next events, get in touch with Alix alix@catalyst-berlin.com


Special after party!!

Don't miss the next Trip The Light at Zur Klappe, organised by our dear freelance music tech Lyndon.

You can catch him and Tutor Laurie aka Appleblim, as well as Sof aka Akiï, one of our 3rd year EMP students.