The Extravagant Flauntings of Marie Antoinette

The Extravagant Flauntings of Marie Antoinette

by Samaquias Lorta -
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The Extravagant Flauntings of Marie Antoinette

December 7 + 9 + 14, 19:00, Catalyst Theatre

!SA22A Performance!
Versailles is a hot bed - but is the royal marriage?

Catalyst's Second Year Screen Acting Students, SA22A, are putting on a theatrical performance. Not just a performance, a musical. Not just a musical - birdies tell us it shall be as extravagant as the name of the play.

Written and directed by Adam Ferreira, come and see ten actors play fifteen people: spreading gossip, intrigue, and having lots of existential crises regarding their own personal feelings about cake.

Performances are on the 7th, 9th, and 14th of December at 7pm sharp in the new Catalyst theatre, located on the ground floor of the school at the Funkhaus, Nalepastrasse 18.

Tickets can be booked here. & follow the cast's shenanigans at their instagram: @flauntingsofmarie

See you there or off with your heads!
