Colours Office / Back door procedure

Colours Office / Back door procedure

by Alba Llach -
Number of replies: 0

Good Monday everyone,

I hope that your weekend went well and you are ready for this last week before project week and Berlinale  📽🎭

These last months the back door from the first floor has been sometimes opened for scheduling reasons but it's been causing some security concerns. That's why from tomorrow onwards the door will be locked and alarmed, a key will be handed to the tutor that is having class at the Colours Office. Please, coordinate with your tutor a timing to meet in front of the door so you can all go upstairs together.

If you book the room the same procedure will be applied, you'll have the key to open both doors and you'll be responsible to lock them after.

The music techs will have the key ready to be picked up and used, if any doubts or concerns arise feel free to contact me.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation!

Have a beautiful rest of your day and see you all around 💫