5th Edition Student Minizine

5th Edition Student Minizine

by Samaquias Lorta -
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Minizine Cover


is a Catalyst student minizine meant to highlight the stories, experience and projects that are happening within our creative institute. This student initiative was started by student Lisa-Anne Wilson and has grown to cover many students who are doing incredible work both inside the walls of Catalyst and in the surrounding Berlin community. Our 5th edition includes details following 3 students:

  • Libertad Rittner (Film Production BA)
  • Nilgün Özer (Creative Audio Production & Sound Engineering BA)
  • Hari Krishna (Electronic Music Production & Performance BA)
  • María Vélez (Creative Production (Music) MA)
  • Leo (Visual Effects, Digital Arts & Animation BA)

Their insights into their productions and future visions are already shaping the world. Find your copy around campus to read more. The backside doubles as a poster with artwork by artist & VFX student Leo!

For those interested in being in the production of the minizine or featuring their artwork/stories please contact samaquias@catalyst-berlin.com - We are looking for artists and designers to continue to grow our collective style 🙌 Tutors, I’m happy to follow any of your recommendations