dBs Dialogues 2019 // Diversity

dBs Dialogues 2019 // Diversity

by Hannah Deans -
Number of replies: 0

dBs Dialogues 2019 is here! This year we're tackling what diversity means in our creative environments.

Read all about it here: www.dbsberlin.net/dialogues

There will be three panels this year, proposing the following three questions:
#1 Why Does Identity Matter? Wednesday 20th February
#2 Can You Copyright Culture? Wednesday 13th March
#3 Does Your Story Need to be Told? Wednesday 3rd April

These are public events, so please share and invite your communities. 

Get involved
As always I am looking for students to be on the panels. Please reach out whether you're just curious or totally passionate about joining any of these discussions. 

Also on the panel will be some external, special guest panellists. These people will be announced over the coming weeks - so stay tuned!

Want to know what happened last year? Check out the videos here: https://bit.ly/2S1pksu

See you soon,