Payment instructions updates.

Payment instructions updates.

by Catalyst Payments -
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Hi Students,

We are providing additional information to be more transparent about why we modified the tuition fee dates. In order to provide the best learning experience for our students, confirming the number of enrolled students as early as possible is essential to improve the quality of our services concerning class capacity, facilities and the booking system. In anticipation of these needs, we planned to collect the tuition fee one month in advance this year to better understand group sizes and manage the growing student numbers each year. 

We are sharing these updates with you one and a half months before the deadline to give you enough time to plan your finances. However, we have taken your feedback into consideration and extended the starting billing date to August 5th, 2024. You will receive the modified payment instructions via email soon.

We confirm that no changes to your course prices have occurred, as these remain locked at the same price as your first year of studies.

We are excited to welcome everyone to the school.

The payments office.