Artist Relations & Improv Studio Support @ Tech Open Air

Artist Relations & Improv Studio Support @ Tech Open Air

by Hannah Deans -
Number of replies: 0

Tech Open Air (TOA) is happening again at the Funkhaus on 2-5 July. This year one 5th of the programme is dedicated to music, with this section taking over the H1 studios. As part of this they would love to have some students from dBs Berlin assisting with the festival. 

There are two main positions available, with 3-4 people required per role. You would be required to work 1-2 shifts (approx. 6 hours) each over the two main days of 3 & 4 July, with some extra time possibly required for pack in/out. These are work experience positions but you will also receive a ticket to attend the rest of the festival (valued at €279-999), plus refreshments and catering during your shift.

*You MUST be logged into your dBs Account. If this still doesn't work, try using an incognito window

Improv Studio Support: (electronic music)
 - setting up and dismantling of music equipment  
 - care of the space and equipment during the festival, encouraging engagement with the equipment and assisting people if they're not sure how to use
 - sharing own knowledge and ideas 
 - assisting any performers or presentations in the space
REQUIRED: working knowledge of several of the following gear elements: Push, Ableton Live, Moog/Roland/Dato Synths, effect pedals, cabling/micing, FOH mixer, basic DJ equipment (no vinyl) 

Artist Relations:
 - meeting performing artists at the Funkhaus gate (prepared prior to recognise them)
 - guiding them through security, obtaining badges, to green room etc, generally looking after them
 - show them to their performance space, assist where needed and support after (returning to green room etc)
 - connecting them with the right people, if needed (tech/stage support etc)
 - keeping an eye on timing 
REQUIRED: being 100% on the ball, you enjoy making things easy for others, being communicative but not schmoozing

If you would like to apply for one of these positions please do so here. Note that they may require further people at a later date: 