New Student IDs

New Student IDs

by Hannah Deans -
Number of replies: 0

The Student IDs for new students have been printed and, depending on which group you fall into, these can now be collected from the Music Tech Shop on the first floor. 

Group ONE (can collect):
 - you paid your fees via the "single payment" option this year
 - and, you've signed the student agreement (this was emailed to you to sign electronically)

Group TWO (cannot collect):
 - you paid your fees via the "instalment payment" option this year*
 - or, you haven't sent us your photo (we can't make it without it!)

*Why is this? 
For those paying by instalment we need you to sign an important piece of documentation, which won't be sent until next week. That's all! 

Note that everyone can still come to the party on Thursday (we'll have a list of names for those who don't have their ID, or didn't have time to collect) 😊

CURRENT STUDENTS: please bring your IDs to the party! 😀