Eufonia Festival - volunteers

Eufonia Festival - volunteers

by Hannah Deans -
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Investigating & demonstrating connections between sound, art & science, expanding thoughts & presenting ideas.

This weekend Eufonia Festival takes place at ACUD Macht Neu and they would love to have students from dBs Berlin involved in making the installations run smooth. Volunteer shifts will be 2x 2 hours (4 hours total) and you will receive a full pass to attend the rest of the event. 

If you would like to be involved, please leave your details here:

When: Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd November
Where: ACUD Macht Neu, Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin

SPECIAL EVENTS: (dBs Berlin presentations)

Doron Sadja (performance)
Sunday 3rd, 16:10 – 16:40
Oscillating between sound and music in the perceived and the subconscious.

A Piece of Art (panel talk)
Sunday 3rd, 16:40 – 17:20
Doron Sadja [artist, dBs Berlin tutor], Grischa Lichtenberger [artist], Josephine de Fijter [curator] & Felipe Vaz [artist]
This panel discussion contextualises and justifies the existence of sound in the wider realm of art. Oscillating between philosophy, aesthetics, language and cognition, panelists share aspects of their own artistic research.

Sound for change (panel talk)
Sunday 3rd, 19:10 – 19:50
Richard Scott [composer, dBs Berlin MA programme lead], 
Mirko Miceli [choreographer], Akka Miau [artist] & Mona Glass [curator] What can art do to initiate a change? We invite artists, fighting to improve the global community, to spread their ideas and inspire action.

If you would like to attend the festival, we have a limited number of 30% discount tickets available. Please email for more info.