Last Milkshake of 2019: now 28th November!

Last Milkshake of 2019: now 28th November!

by Hannah Deans -
Number of replies: 0

[edited: meant to say November, not December!]

To give you a little more time to prepare yourselves, we've shifted the next Milkshake Session to be Thursday 28th November. This will be the last official session for 2019, although we will be representing at the end of year Etikett Xmas Party on the 12th December :) 

When: Thursday 28th November
Where: Co Mingle, dBs Berlin
Sign (even if you're not 100% sure yet, send a message to find out more!)

What are the Milkshake Sessions? 
They're not jam sessions! They are an opportunity for you to practice a live performance - of any kind. 

They're open-stage performances for artists by artists; musicians, actors, filmmakers, poets, producers - anyone and everyone who wants to use the stage. It's open to all dBs Students, Team and Alumni, and all genres & all styles are welcome.  
Your performance could be anything from a complex live modular set-up, playback from an audio track, screening of a rough cut or presenting a monologue. You as the performer decide the level of expectation. If you want to learn about your peers' creative projects, or perhaps you'd like to network to find collaborators, this is also a perfect platform to get yourself out there!
In return we offer audio (and support for visual) documentation, as well as a light-hearted social gathering. Shoot us an email of interest at and we will happily arrange from there!

In 2020 each Milkshake Session will take place on the first Thursday of each month, starting February 6th.