Signals 2020 is coming!

Signals 2020 is coming!

by Sarah Bleasdale -
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We’re making some big (and exciting!) changes to Signals Festival in 2020!!

What’s different? 

  • Signals Festival will be a presentation of the whole school: so that’s CMP, EMP, Film, Acting, VFX, Masters - and the team!  

  • It will be a curated selection reflecting the most exciting current work and growth happening in the school 

  • It’s a two day event happening after term ends on Fri 5th & Sat 6th June 2020

What and who will happen?

  • Workshops, performances, film screenings and installations from all years & courses, the tutor team and (TBC) some special guests

  • Also in the mix will be our annual film awards (including special awards for original dBs music) 

What’s happening to the EMP first year performance assessments?

  • These will still happen, but scaled down. Taking place in the EMP Lab during hand-in week, they will take the form of an audition with students supporting each other (along with the techs) to set up and changeover

  • From these performances a selection will be invited to perform at Signals 


  • We will be opening submissions for performances, installations and workshops from February, with most to be confirmed by April 

  • Projects still in development may be accepted

  • The Film submissions process will have a different timeline to align with final project dates, however this will still be before the academic deadline so works-in-progress will need to be submitted if the edit is not yet finalised 

Over the term break start thinking about what you could submit! 

Discuss with your peers and maybe combine forces. We love collaborations. 

More details including how many submissions will be accepted and which spaces will be available will be announced in the new year. Watch this space!