Q+A Form: Submit your Questions

Q+A Form: Submit your Questions

by Sarah Bleasdale -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Students

Do you have a question or clarification about the path dBs is taking that has not yet been answered?

To ensure we hear everyone's questions - big or small -  we would like you to submit them here:


You will have received an email invitation also.

Please use your dBs email address to access the form.

Please submit your questions until Tuesday 7th at 6pm CET. 
We will then review all of your questions and publish our responses, so that they are accessible to everyone.

Thank you to those of you who brought your questions to our student meeting last Friday, apologies we could not hear everyone!
Please use this form to submit questions that were not heard. 
Watch this space for when the next all student meeting will be.

Thank you everyone!