Berlin Corona Traffic Light

Berlin Corona Traffic Light

by Nathaniel Suter -
Number of replies: 0
Last week the Berlin corona traffic light which indicates the severity of the pandemic situation in Berlin switched from amber to red. In line with our hygiene protocol and the regulations from the state of Berlin, we have adjusted our operations over the past week. This is something most of you will have been informed of as some of your classes have moved to online formats. 

While the traffic light is red the following safety precautions are in place: 
  • All lessons which can be moved online must be. In person teaching may take place only for necessary practical formats
  • Team members who can perform their duties from home must remain in home office. This means that some of our office team will be working from home and the best way to contact them will be through email. 
  • Film Productions: may take place if they are mandatory for the degree programme. Max participants 20. Depending on further state restrictions group sizes may be limited further and be limited to students
  • Room and equipment bookings continue to be possible
  • Only artists and crew connected to productions which are mandatory for the degree programme are allowed on site. Visitors or guests are not allowed on campus
  • 3G for our students, artists, and crew remains. 

Please rest assured that any classes or workshops which require special equipment or rooms, or specific forms of artistic practice will continue to be possible throughout this period. 

This change in the traffic light comes as we move into the winter break and as such we are hopeful that it will return to amber within the next 5 weeks; allowing us to return to full on site operations for the start of next semester. 

As always, any questions can be directed to 

Wishing you all a successful end to this semester, and a safe and healthy holiday!