Feedback Loop is here!

Feedback Loop is here!

by Hannah Deans -
Number of replies: 0

We're starting a new series called Feedback Loop, with the first session this Thursday. 

Open to the whole Catalyst community (music, film, VFX and acting), these monthly feedback sessions are a space for you to present your works in progress, discuss ideas for new projects, and gain insight & inspiration from your multidisciplinary-peers.

These sessions are a safe environment to share all types of work whether it be for a class project, major assignment or a personal project. Formats can include (but not limited to) audio playback, screenings, monologues, mini-workshops, presentations etc. There's so much to be gained by stepping out of your comfort zone and speaking about your work publicly!

/// When & where?

Happening monthly on Thursdays in Co Lab 3, from 18:00 - 20:30 (*you can join late if you have a class that finishes later than the session starts):

  1. Jan 19, 18:00 - 20:30 - #1 this Thursday! 
  2. Feb 16
  3. March 16
  4. April 20
  5. May 5 

/// How do I join? 

If you would like to present at a specific session, please reach out to Alix Wilheim ( However, it’s not required to pre-register and spontaneous sharing is highly encouraged.

If you want to hear and see what other students are making, please just come along - hot teas provided 🤗

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