We are updating our legal terms and conditions; effective 20.11.2023

We are updating our legal terms and conditions; effective 20.11.2023

by Alex McHattie -
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Hello all,

We hope you had a wonderful summer and are excited to welcome you to Catalyst, or welcome you back if you're a returning student.

We wanted to inform you about some updates we've made to our Terms and Conditions. We understand that these kinds of communications can sometimes sound dull, but we promise to keep it short and sweet.

We've made some clarifications to our Terms and Conditions to ensure they are more transparent and easy to understand. Specifically, we've focused on providing more clarity around the closure and termination of our contract. It's important to note that while you maybe studying with us in a multi-year degree program, our actual contractual period is just one year.

Additionally, we've integrated our Student Agreement into the Terms and Conditions. This means that our School Policies are now available on our website and are agreed upon by accepting these updated Terms and Conditions. Please visit our website at https://catalyst-berlin.com/about/legal for the updated version of the Terms and Conditions. We have also attached both the previous and new versions of the terms to this message for your reference.

According to our policy, these changes will be automatically approved and effective on 20.11.2023 if you do not object to them. 

We believe that these changes will benefit our community by providing a more straightforward and transparent contract. If you have any questions or concerns about these updates, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

We look forward to seeing you back on campus and wish you a successful academic year ahead!

Warm regards,
The Catalyst Team