Wellbeing Workshops

Wellbeing Workshops

by Samaquias Lorta -
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We have two upcoming wellbeing events supported by our favorite wellbeing team - Aurelie, Cordele and Laura 🍂

Wellbeing Workshops: Make Your Collaborations Flow
Wednesday 25 October, 18:15 @ EMP Lab

Come explore the philosophy and psychology of effective collaborations! Through useful techniques, directly applicable strategies, and hands-on activities we’ll dive into some of the best ways to find a satisfying group flow in any creative collaboration or group project.

The Hologram: Creative Work + Care Work
Monday 30 October, 14:00 - 17:00 @ Co-Lab 6

Max. 12 participants. Please sign up using this form.

This workshop is co-hosted by Student Wellbeing and The Hologram collective. The Hologram practice itself values and puts together the processes of personal introspection, social cooperation, and strategic anti-capitalist organisation. The workshop takes 3 hours and is composed of ⅓ part presentation, and ⅔ part participation. Everyone who joins us will be well-supported, challenged, and invited to join the larger global Hologram community of practitioners.

What is The Hologram?
One part social practice, one part technology of revolution, and one part feminist science fiction come to life, The Hologram is a lightweight, replicable, autonomous protocol for human cooperation which at its simplest level sees three people (a triangle) offer care, support and transformative questions to a fourth (the hologram). Soon members of the triangle themselves become holograms with new triangles and the health virus spreads. In time, the triangle becomes a living medical record for the hologram. We hacked everyday online tools to make this open-source, peer-to-peer, viral social technology feel warm and accessible.

If you want to check out The Hologram, here is their website: thehologram.xyz Or for instance this podcast interviewing Cassie Thornton, the artist who initiated the project, sums it all up

Short video about The Hologram

See you there!