Alumni present: Stephanie Moukarzel

Alumni present: Stephanie Moukarzel

by Samaquias Lorta -
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Alumni Present: Stephanie Moukarzel

Alumni present: Stephanie Moukarzel

The journey from student to working professional

Wednesday 24 January, 18:30, via Zoom

We invite all students to join our guest, Stephanie Moukarzel, a former Masters in Creative Film Production student, shares her insights as a freelancer, filmmaker and community organizer based in Beirut and Dubai. Join us for a Q&A where we'll start discussing her film "Jawhar" and delving into the challenges of navigating a revolution in Lebanon while creating this queer short film, a production that spanned over 3 years. Stephanie will then share her experiences in freelancing, addressing its current dynamics and offering insights on overcoming challenges without losing sight of personal projects. Lastly, we'll explore the concept of community in Berlin and how Stephanie fosters it through Sour Studios, empowering artists in the process.

💥Before this session please watch “Jawhar
💥Check out Stephanie’s portfolio
💥Follow @stephfromthefuture

///About Stephanie Moukarzel

Stephanie Moukarzel, an artist and filmmaker from Beirut, Lebanon and currently splitting her time between Beirut and Dubai, has recently earned her Masters in Creative Film Production at Catalyst in Berlin. With a focus on visual storytelling, Stephanie works towards creating immersive cinematic experiences across various formats. As an independent filmmaker and across her career as a freelancer in the Arab World, she has worked on several commercial, fashion and cultural projects.

Stephanie's versatility is shown through the roles of writer, director, cinematographer, and editor for both her commercial and personal projects. Her portfolio encompasses short documentaries, short films, and experimental pieces, showcasing her dedication to exploring diverse narratives and cinematic expressions.

Beyond her individual projects, Stephanie's passion for fostering creativity has led her to found Sour Studios. This yet-to-be-announced creative house is envisioned as a space for artists and people from all walks of life. A collective dedicated to bringing people together to create, experience and imagine. To empower individuals and communities to explore the landscapes of image, sound, music and performance.  A collective from the people for the people. Stephanie's commitment to providing a platform for diverse voices and perspectives is reflected in her ongoing efforts to establish Sour Studios as a dynamic hub for collaborative and experimental endeavors.


Alumni presents: we invite our graduates to share their knowledge and experience with our growing community, fostering a sustainable creative ecosystem.