From All Sides: programme out now!

From All Sides: programme out now!

by Hannah Deans -
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Hi everyone, 

Please see the full programme for each day at From All Sides: Festival of Spatial Sound. If you'd like to help out, you can volunteer here. It's free to attend, but please register (links at the bottom). 

/// Wednesday 10 April 

18:30 - 20:00: Presentation 

  • Gabriel Lemos ‘Spatial and sonic windows: a compositional approach’

Gabriel presents an informal talk on his approach regarding fragmented narratives, the use of referential materials and acoustic exploration in electronic music composition. The focus will be on listening to the pieces and commenting on its use of distinct inner acoustic characteristics as a basis for developing disruptive forms and compositional structures. 

20:30 - 22:00: Concert 

  • Felicity Mangan 'All that gas' 
  • DUALDISK 'Always looking for a cymbal' 
  • LucidLisa 'Theta waves' & 'Memories of love' 
  • Icaro 
  • ANN 'Kong Jian' 
  • Hsuan '88 of me' 
  • marius 'OK24 - soundwalk' 

/// Thursday 11 April

18:30 - 20:00: Presentation

  • Peter Ablinger

For decades, Peter Ablinger's work has been forcing open fault lines in the topography of the audible. His vast output of scores, electronic pieces, installations and conceptual works consistently finds (funny, pointed, disturbing) ways to put the ear's organisation of reality in doubt. Is that a voice, and what is a voice? When is something newly or no longer music? Noise? Information? In Ablinger's cunning scramble of sonic categories, listening loses its lay of the land. Concepts come unmoored from sounds, and the land changes shape.

20:30 - 22:00: Concert

  • Peter Ablinger repertoire 
  • Jonas Kern 'Other voices (a prototype)' 
  • Libertad Penelope 'Veo Y No Veo' (film)
  • Daniel Rudolf 'Textures & fragments' 
  • Samaquias 'Degrading ecosystems' (live)

/// Friday 12 April

17:00 - 18:30: Workshop 

  • Benjamin Nelson, ‘Lo-fi and DIY: spatial and multi-channel audio for installation (on a budget)’ (SOLD OUT) 

Looking at methods of using various small and simple devices and speakers that can be used to create audio/visual installations, or even be integrated into live performance practices. You will look at some general ideas and examples of work and equipment, and then jump in to working with these tools hands-on to experiment and create one or more mini installations.

19:00 - 22:00: Concert

  • ASH 
  • Benjamin Flesser (live)
  • Florian Zwietnig 'A touch too much' 
  • Nino Theys 'Litter decomposition' (live)
  • Benjamin Bacon 'Graceful degradation' 
  • Nikita Proshkin 'Lump mother' 
  • Martina Bertoni 'Nominal D for halldorophone nr.1' 
  • Parallel Processing 'n° 685222916' (live)

/// Saturday 13 April 

17:00 - 18:30: Presentation

  • Ricardo Tovar ‘Interweaving sensory experiences in "And then there was quiet"’

This presentation delves into "And then there was quiet," a multimedia installation created during the 2020 pandemic. Through the integration of multi-projection video, multi-channel sound and dance work this collaborative piece explores the use of sound design, visual narratives, and spatial organisation to facilitate storytelling, emphasising healing through grief and the innovative use of space to alter audience perception and experience.

19:30 - 22:00: Concert

  • Xarli 'Unanswered' (live)
  • Aude Langlois 'Reveals' 
  • Subtrakt22 'Subtrakt22' (live) 
  • Joachim Goba 'Prototype' 
  • T0-minus 'Grains of me' (live)
  • Nilgün Özer 'Lost in the train of my thoughts' 
  • Javi 'Pulse, grain, wall' 
  • the gutter (live)
  • agarbatti 'The epicentre' 

Peter Arblinger's installation "Weiß/Weißlich 27" will be presented on all days of the festival on the ground floor.

/// Tickets



See you there!