From All Sides: Festival of Spatial Sound is here!

From All Sides: Festival of Spatial Sound is here!

by Hannah Deans -
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Over four immersive evenings, explore multichannel performances, installations, fixed media compositions and discussions that aim to redefine your perception of space and sound. Emerging artists and experts alike will guide you through the intricacies of spatial audio, offering insights into the creative process behind these innovative works. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, join us as we venture into uncharted sonic territories and celebrate the boundless possibilities of audio and space.

/// Tickets

Entry to the festival is free for all, registration is required: RA | DICE | FB.

/// Lineup

Alex Vixh | Andrew Hockey | ANN | Ash | Benjamin Bacon | Benjamin Flesser | Daniel Rudolf | DUALDISK | E-BIS | Felicity Mangan | Florian Zwietnig | Hsuan | Icaro | jack a | Libertad Rittner LucidLisa | Marius Hay-Smith | Martina Bertoni | Nilgün Özer Ninotheys | Para Vak | Parallel Processing | Peter Arblinger | Ricardo Tovar Mateus - Tanner Pletzke | the gutter | Xutkunchula + more TBA!

/// Programme

Wednesday 10 April 18:30 - 22:00

  • 18:30 - 20:00: Presentation: Gabriel Lemos, Spatial and sonic windows: a compositional approach
  • 20:30 - 22:00: Concert: fixed media + installations

Thursday 11 April 17:00 - 22:00

  • 18:30 - 20:00: Guest Session: Peter Ablinger
  • 20:30 - 22:00: Concert: fixed media + installations

Friday 12 April 17 - 22

  • 17:00 - 18:30: Workshop: Benjamin Nelson, Lo-Fi and DIY: Spatial and multi-channel audio for installation (on a budget)
  • 19:00 - 22:00: Concert: live performances + fixed media + installations

Saturday 13 April 19:30 - 22:00

  • 17:00 - 18:30: Presentation: Ricardo Tovar, ‘Interweaving Sensory Experiences in And Then There Was Quiet"
  • 19:30 - 22:00: Concert: live performances + fixed media + installations

Detailed timetable of all performing, fixed media and installations to be announced.

Peter Arblinger's installation "Weiß/Weißlich 27" will be presented on all days of the festival.

/// Location

All presentations, workshops, fixed media and live performances will take place in the EMP Lab. Installations TBA. 


As always, we would love your support to make this festival a smooth and incredible experience for all. Please fill out this form if you would like to be involved. 

This is a public event, so please make sure to sign up for the presentations, as places are limited. And share with your friends! 


(Original artwork by Viktorija Andermane, @alealauxx)