Petition Update

Petition Update

by Administration Team -
Number of replies: 0
Dear students,

I am enclosing the official letter regarding the recent complaint panel outcome.  I realise that your student representatives will have already shared this information with you but I thought you may wish to have a copy.  As you already know, since this letter was sent, your representatives submitted an appeal to this decision, this was considered following due process but not upheld and the matter is now closed within Catalyst as per the student regulation framework (2023/24).

I have summarised the outcomes which relate to additional bookings below and our facilities lead, Alba Llach will be in touch shortly to provide further details of how to make the additional bookings.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this process and additional thanks to those representatives who gave their valuable time.

Summary of outcome:

Students completing their programme of study in Semester B 2024
3rd year Bachelor and 1st year Certificate students who are set to complete their studies at the end of Semester B in 2024 will be granted 8 weeks of extended bookable time. This will be made available after the current study term ends - more specifically 3rd years from 29th April; Certificate students from 20th May.

Students currently studying a Bachelor in 1st and 2nd Year
1st and 2nd year Bachelor students who are continuing their studies at Catalyst in the next academic year (2024/25) will be granted one of the following options:
1. Extended bookable time until 14th June 2024 or
2. 8 weeks of extended bookable time in 2025 (dates TBD) or
3. 4 weeks extended bookable time at the end of Semester B 2024, and 4 weeks extended bookable time at the end of Semester B 2025

Masters students - Additional Extension
Students studying on an MA programme as full-time or 2nd year part-time will be granted an extension to their bookable time from September to early-November 2024. MA students who are currently enrolled as a 1st year part-time student will have the opportunity for additional extended bookable time at the end of their studies in 2025, from September to early-November 2025.

Priority of Bookings
In order to ensure a fair distribution of resources for students across the school, the following priorities for bookable time will be put into effect:
  • First Priority: Students enrolled in Semester C, and students undertaking Resits/Deferrals for Semester A/B - Bookable time remains the same until the end of the academic year
  • Second Priority: Students completing their programme of study in Semester B 2024 (3rd Yrs, 1st Year Certificates)
  • Third Priority: Students in 1st and 2nd year of a BA programme who are continuing their studies at Catalyst in 2024/25

Bookings will be staggered by priority in descending order. The Facilities team will notify student groups about their extended bookable times, including when they can start reserving gear/spaces, and when this time will expire. We kindly ask that students are organised so that they do not miss out on booking window opportunities. Please note that our Tech teams will endeavour to support students as best they can within the parameters of this outcomes agreement.

Students are excluded from extendable bookable time if:
  • they have not successfully completed inductions to gear, studios, or other course-specific facilities;
  • they interrupted their studies before the renovation period (i.e. before Sem A 2023/24);
  • they withdrew from their programme of study during the current academic year;
  • they are found responsible for academic and/or student misconduct during the extended booking period.

With kind regards
Sarah McAdam