This weeks opportunities

This weeks opportunities

by Samaquias Lorta -
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Here are some events + deadlines this week available to the Catalyst community 

FEST — Music Walk With Me's (MWWM) 2024

Call for showcases is now open until the 17th of April, 2024. Showcase festival for artists that want to collaborate with the Film and TV scene, or currently have a connection with that industry and want to reinforce and promote it.

The applications are to artists from all over the world, signed or unsigned artists. We accept all music genres.

You will need to provide the following information to apply to MWWM 2024:

  • Basic information;
  • Project description;
  • Technical raider;
  • Motivation to perform at MWWM and connect your music to the film and TV scene;
  • Link for music and performances

You can find our Rules and Regulations here. For any questions regarding showcases applications please contact us via

💥Application form


MAY 21 - 23 | 10AM CET

Following the successful model of our 2023 Event, the subsequent two days will consist of a daytime program of presentations from the community. This will be complemented by a special edition of The NODE Institute's TouchDesigner Roundtable and an evening of inspired entertainment at a very unique venue - stay tuned, soon to be announced. The closing night will be a spirited gathering where you may expect music, possibly visuals, merriment, and ample time to reconnect with old friends and new ones.

💥Volunteer to get a free ticket and access the entire TD event. Food provided with potential compensation. Apply HERE

Experimental Live Session - 5

Friday 19 April @ 20:00, EMP Lab

The EMP Lab will welcome you for the last time this year for an evening dedicated to the Catalyst community wanting to perform live experimental music with a focus on non-danceable music. A moment to sit and listen to sonic exploration where we promote student work in the realm of experimental music (such as drone, ambient, sound art, noise, generative, etc).

Start 20h

⚫I I I - Stefan Knauthe, Ciaran O’ Shea & Rio Sierra (@lifeandmodulars @ciaranosheamusic @rio__sierra)
a brand new trio from 3 very talented faculty members

⚫“Dreaming Time” - Nino Theys and Fred Theys (@theysnino)
A beautiful live drawing story in music by Nino and his father

⚫ioi - Hari Krishna (@shriek.studios)
A performance that pushes the boundaries of listening in the most gently horrible ways possible.

Don't miss it!!! Save the date HERE

(if you wish to perform at one our events, get in touch with Alix