Volume ONE - Catalyst Cassette series

Volume ONE - Catalyst Cassette series

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 2

Hey all, 

We're excited to announce that we're preparing for Volume ONE of our cassette tape series - to be released physically and digitally this summer, featuring a selection of work from our current students from all music programmes and all course years (certain number of allocated tracks per year!). 

From the 1st of February until the 22nd of March 2021 all Catalyst students will be able to submit a track they would like to have considered for the compilation.

Download the PDF with full details on how to submit. If you want to listen back to the first volume, you can buy a tape (limited number left) or listen on Soundcloud

Questions, please email christina@catalyst-berlin.com 

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Volume ONE - Catalyst Cassette series

by Deleted user -
Hello! To clarify the question on collaboration tracks: Collaboration tracks can be submitted separate to a specific student submission. So in other words, a student can submit their own track, plus an additional track they have collaborated on with another student(s). We will count collaboration tracks in a separate category - as we really want to encourage this type of creative work 🤗If any doubts, send questions my way please.
In reply to Deleted user

Re: Volume ONE - Catalyst Cassette series

by Deleted user -
Hey everyone, friendly reminder about our submission deadline for the 22nd of March.
If you'd like to submit your track but worried about the deadline, send me an email and we can check the options together.
Also - to clarify, these tracks will ONLY be used on the physical tape and Soundcloud. You have complete rights to your music and are free to use your tracks for any other purpose you plan. This is not an exclusive release.
Keep the questions coming, please :)