Guest Session // Maria Chavez: the language of chance

Guest Session // Maria Chavez: the language of chance

by Hannah Deans -
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Maria Chavez // The Language of Chance
Thursday 24th January, 18:00


For our next Guest Session, Maria Chavez presents a special lecture using her book, “Of Technique: Chance Procedures on Turntable” as the focal point, inviting students to discuss serendipity, accidents and coincidence by illustrating chance operations on the turntable and in sound art installations.

The Language of Chance focuses on the values and lessons derived from chance encounters, accidents and improvisation in her art practice. By introducing participants to the hands-on approach of abstract turntablism, participants experience the tactile interaction between the turntable, records and the needle.

// About Maria
Maria Chávez, born in Lima, Peru in 1980, and based in NYC, is best known as an abstract turntablist, conceptual sound artist and DJ. Her improvised solo turntable performance combines recorded sounds from vinyl records with the electroacoustic sounds of vinyl and needle in various deteriorating phases. Her conceptual sound installation practice tends to be site specific, allowing each space to highlight it's own sonic qualities.

Her solo exhibitions are often interactive, ranging from spatial sound presentations to turning an entire art space into a gigantic string instrument for the audience to perform.

Her work has been exhibited internationally, including at HeK - Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel, Inkonst Art Center Sweden, Judd Foundation, Marfa, Texas, The Getty Museum, Los Angeles and documenta 14 in Kassel.

This fall and winter Maria has been on a worldwide tour, teaching, DJing and performing her solo turntablism work for the Le Guess Who? Festival, co-curated by Moor Mother, the Ableton Loop Festival in L.A. along with touring extensively around Europe, the UK, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.