*IMPORTANT* Student Wellbeing Support

*IMPORTANT* Student Wellbeing Support

by Cordele Glass -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Catalyst Community,

I hope you're enjoying the small slivers of Spring we've been blessed with this week. As the flowers and leaves slowly begin to bloom I'd like to remind everyone in our community that the Student Wellbeing team is here to support you

Several members of our creative community have struggled to communicate with the Wellbeing Team over the last few weeks or months. Part of this is because our amazing wellbeing teammate Aurelie has gone on sick-leave. Please join me in wishing her a speedy recovery. 

In order to ensure quick responses and effective communication across the whole wellbeing team both students and staff should send all wellbeing inquiries to wellbeing@catalyst-berlin.com. If you have gone more than a few days without hearing back I encourage you to reach out directly to the official wellbeing email so that we can connect you with the support that you need ASAP. 

We're here to help you with things like Mental Health Support, Neurodivergent Learning Strategies, LGBTQIA/FLINTA Support, and Creativity Coaching for more creative flow, meaning, and purpose. We can also help refer you to other health professionals like therapists and doctors. As a reminder, any student can book a one-on-one session with the wellbeing team at any time, without the need for sending an email, by going to Moodle --> Student Services --> Student Wellbeing --> Appointment Links.  I'll also put the appointment links below for your convenience.
Feel free to contact wellbeing@catalyst-berlin.com if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the wellbeing services here at Catalyst. You can also walk into the Student Services Office for any in-person impromptu questions (Mondays & Wednesdays are best for that). 

With Great Zest,
-Cordele & Han

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