Free Corona Testing

Free Corona Testing

by Nathaniel Suter -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Everyone, 

As of Monday (08.03) the state of Berlin has started to open up rapid testing stations across the city in which each of us may be tested once per week. If you would like to take advantage of this offer you may do so by making an appointment on the Test-To-Go website. You can also receive a free test without an appointment at the following locations: 

  • Max Taut OSZ (Fischerstraße 36 in 10317 Berlin)
  • Carl-von-Ossietzky-Schule (Blücherstraße 46-47 in 10961 Berlin)
  • Kurt-Weiss-Sporthalle (Franzensbader Str. 16 in 14193 Berlin)
  • Poststadion Mitte (Lehrter Str. 59 in 10557 Berlin)

You can find more information HERE